Wednesday, November 4, 2009

AW “In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes” – You can’t choose the 15 minutes but why would you be world famous

I totally agree with the statement from Andy Warhol, but the future is now. The world is becoming smaller and smaller due to technological developments, also the platforms to become world renowned is also changing. The World Wide Web killed the TV star. I could just upload a video onto Youtube and seconds later someone in Japan would see it. I would be famous.

Fame. Remember my name. Would they really need to remember my name when they would be constantly bombarded with my name wherever they go. Myspace, Facebook and twitter. I think back then in Andy Warhol’s time people could only get fifteen minutes of fame, due to the fact the mediums of communication were limited, but now one can be famous indefinitely.

Why would I be famous? I imagine that I’ll be famous for being a socialite, someone who is involved in social activities and spends a noteworthy amount of time entertaining and being entertained. As I will be a publicist to the stars, the line between my personal and work life will become blurred. I would be famous by association. You will see me in the social pages of every newspaper and magazine known to mankind.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

November issue

Just yesterday I was literally cleaning out my closet, when I stumbled upon one of my many Media magazines; it was the November 2008 issue. Flipping through it, I came across the article “Networked!” The article was written by social media guru, Matthew Buckland – it was on the subject of taking stock of the social media that he uses. This inspired me to also take stock of the social mediums that I use.

Facebook – I use Facebook to stay in touch with people I like and pretend to stay in touch with people that I don’t like. I love using the “ilike” app as it makes me feel like I contributed something somewhere without saying anything.

Twitter – I use twitter for stalking celebrities, tweeting collectively with other users using # hashtags and just using it to stay abreast of the top world news with the trending topics.

Blogger – This one is quite the tale. Although I started blogging, as part of my curriculum. I have genuinely fallen in love with it, when I’m able to write on topics that interest me, that is. I love that I can be informal, I can write in short hand and everyone gets to read about my thoughts on things.

Mxit – I haven’t been on mxit in a while perhaps it’s for the reason that my phone was stolen so my mxit isn’t mobile, I have to mxit clued to a chair and pc.

LinkedIn – I am desperately seeking a job before the rat race for jobs in the New Year start. Consequently I’m building myself a profile on LinkdIn and hoping to make some connections.

Monday, November 2, 2009

"Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read” (Frank Zappa)

Rock journalism is people who can’t write interviewing people who can’t talk for people who can’t read? Say what?

The journalist, the artist and the fans. A critique of some sort. Perhaps? I’m not quite sure if I understand the statement from Frank Zappa but I guess what his trying to point out is, that journalist that cover music and popular culture as their beat are in essence not very talented at what they do. The muso’s that they interview particularly those head banging rockers all zooped up on narcotics and alcohol with their slurring words hence the fact that they can’t talk. And their fans – it might be considered stereotyping but anyone who listens to rock is quintessentially uneducated. That’s my literal take on the statement. Still not quite sure what he means.

On the flip side when I think of rock journalism one thing comes to mind. The magazine Rolling Stone devoted to music, culture and politics. What and epic magazine, anybody who is somebody has graced the cover of this magazines. Makes me wonder how come I haven’t made it to the cover yet. Just my random thoughts just as random as this silly statement of Frank Zappa.

Monday, October 12, 2009

I’m gonna ♥ Summer 09

My top fashion must haves for a Cape Town Summer 09. I think this summer it’s all about being a bit off centre.


I’m a Park Avenue Princess :D

Heels, Heels and more heels. Even if your running out to do errands in the middle of the afternoon. Slap on a pair of heels (gladiator???), even if you’re not wearing the most glamorous of outfits. The heels will definitely make you feel G.L.A.M.O.R.O.U.S.

Bare it all

Sheer dresses are so hot but it keeps you cool. Ideal for both day and night escapades.

Geek is cool

With television shows like glee. It makes me want to release my inner geek but no break out in song – too chessy for me. Wayfarer sunglasses are just the right tool for the job. It was hot last year but it’s even hotter this year.

Bag, bags, bagging, bagged

I’m not sure if ill ever be able to give up my over sized bag, but then again summer is all about getting rid of all the clutter. So get yourself a tiny, sling bag preferably in a tan colour. Makes life so much less complicated.


“No headbands at college” – Dan Humphrey Gossip Girl

Tsk Tsk Tsk D. I foresee headbands as probably the biggest must have of them all. Not just on Blair Waldorf wannabe’s but just about everyone. Forehead headbands, dual headbands, shocking colours. It great for the fresh-summer-look-keeping-your–hair-our-of- your-face-non-emo-look. And it cheap so you can have one for everyday of the week.

Monday, September 21, 2009

What motivates me …

…to get up and do something. A list of thing that gets me going.

1. Gareth Cliff and team’s morning show on 5fm. Even though he might be anal at times. It makes the morning bearable knowing that Gareth Cliff and his team where up at the crack of dawn.

2. Really good music…right now David Guetta and Akon’s – Sexy chick.

3. A good cup of coffee…made with love or from the coffee cart.

4. My little sister who gives me emo pep talks.

5. The sad reality of recession…you have to make a living somehow. Why not start by getting out of bed.

6. The future – not knowing what it holds for me but trying at least.
7. Good friends with good advice.

8. God and living life with heaven and all its bravura in mind and as the ultimate goal.

9. My mother. She’s everything I want to be except for her slight case of bipolar…menopause call it whatever.

10. My mantra – nothing is impossible.

11. Deadlines.

12. An encouraging smile.

13. Attention from people. A spotlight will motivate you to do anything.

14. A good hair day.

15. Money.

16. Suze Orman. You have to agree.

Living life vicariously

Haven’t you ever wondered how is it that, we as human beings get so addicted to television series, soapies and not to mention reality shows? I use the word addicted not just in a nonchalant sense, I mean really addicted…to the point that one needs a weekly, daily or even hourly fix. My theory on this is that, we more so now in this day and age, than ever, live our lives vicariously. This is life experienced and enjoyed through fictional partaking in the experience of other people’s lives. All the pleasure and lessons with none of the work.

If you are reading this, I know you might be starting to ponder my theory. Just think …you tune into Desperate Housewives and live vicariously as the ball busting Lynette that is the career woman, a mother and a wife. Everything we aspire and hope to be. Or Brooke from Bold and the beautiful, the village ‘tartlet’. We all know that in a non judgemental world where reputation means nothing, we would love to be her, a different man for each day of the week. We get to see what they see, feel what they feel. Learn from their mistakes and share in their deepest fears, secrets and desires all without actually physically lifting a foot.

We usually identify with characters that are a little like ourselves. However they are an extended version of us. Prettier. Braver. More intelligent. Everything we have always wanted to be. This is the foundation of my theory then. Why should we take a risk at living life when we have television series, soapies and not to mention reality shows to live it for us?

Monday, September 7, 2009

Personal Autonomy - How far does it extend?

Not very far! For the reason that, I have not the slightest inclination as to what ‘personal autonomy’ actually means. This calls for some serial googling...

According to ‘personal autonomy’ can be defined as free will or self-determination. (So much for my make shift meaning – personal=mine auto=car no= correction my=still mine = my car???)

Free will and self-determination how far does it extend? I guess we all like to believe that we have some form of free will, but the life that we lead doesn’t really allow for that. We are always be governed by some rule or regulations or person who enforcers the rules or regulations. Parents, the government, schools, friends, religion, the media, social norms all act, as inhibitors of free will.

I’m not sure if I don’t like having limited freedom. Things sometimes can blind one, where other people can see it for what it is. Ever heard the saying mother know best. She doesn’t try to deliberately hold you hostage and not give you freedom, but it because she really knows best. And besides, I like sometimes having someone else make the decisions for me, maybe its just because I’m really indecisive.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

You know its Ramadaan when...

In an effort to make this blog more my own, I have decided to dedicate a post to letting you in on an important part of my world. My religion. A lighthearted approach to something that is usually serious. An ode to the month of Ramadaan.

You know its Ramadaan when...

1. Sad but true, everyone who normally does’ not wear a headscarf is suddenly wearing one.

2. You don't know what day of the week it is.

3. You walk around with you hand over you mouth.

4. You are up at insane hours of the morning...5'o clock.

5. Shopping malls are full of Muslim people shopping for clothes.

6. You see the inside of you neighbours house.

7. Everyone's facebook status has something got to do with hunger, food or im so stuffed!

8. You have more friends on mxit online at 5'o clock in the morning than at 5 o' clock in the day.

9. You watch silent movies. Thank heavens 7de Laan has subtitles

10. You spend loads of time with your family.

That’s is just a few that I can think of. Enjoy the rest of the Ramadaam and a happy Eid to you to all my brothers and sisters.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

“Bunch of Animals” is one comment on the CPUT strike on campus. What is yours?

Thieves! Someone catch those thieves! They have stolen from my education… They have stolen from my education. It sounds like a bad dream. Not quite. You might ask yourself, how can someone steal from someone’s education? It’s intangible. But it’s possible; someone has stolen from my education.

Recently, a number of students at my University, The Cape Peninsula University of Technology took part in a strike against registration fee hikes. There’s nothing wrong with disputing something and taken a stance against it, but it depends on how you deal with the situation at hand. Hasn’t anyone heard of good old communication? Communication is key; however people turn to strikes and mass protest which usually turns into chaos, vandalism and anything negative.

I’m saddened by the fact that people would be so inconsiderate and only think of themselves. Don’t they know that they have stolen from my education, they have stolen a whole week of my education that I would never be able to get back. They have violated my right to education. And what makes me even sadder is the fact that I have paid to be here so not only have I been robbed me of my education but also my money. Bunch of thieves I tell you.

Monday, July 20, 2009

10 Most unexpected consequences of being online

1. Finding love.
2. Being dumped.
3. Stumbling upon the name, of the winner of your favourite reality show, and the new season just started last week.
4. Logging onto facebook and seeing your parents are no longer listed as married.
5. Having money deposited in your bank account. Got to love internet banking.
6. Making a friend.
7. Being stalked.
8. Gossiping gone wrong. Cliking the 'reply all' button instead of just 'reply.
9. Logging onto and seeing a picture of your boyfriend with an unknown girl.
10. A trip to the optometrist.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Every day is a good day

“Everyday is a good day” this sounds like the name of a really cheesy folk song. Where the singer sounds awfully optimistic about life, signing about candy floss, bubbles and laughter.

“Everyday is a good day” is what I say very sarcastically to my mother when she asks how my day was. Everyday is not a good day in my world. I can actually count on one hand how many good days I have had in the last month because they are very few.

Lately my life has been consumed by my studies. Who’d the thunken it would be like this every other day an assignment’s due, tests are being written and we running after second years.

Things that use to annoy me once upon a time, like my family, I actually want to spend time with them to get a break from my studies. And I think if I didn’t have my boyfriend to now and then save me from this insanity that we call studies.

This is a dedication to my fellow class mates, you not alone in this. Maybe we should start a band and sing lame folk songs about peace, love and hope to bring some positiveness back to our lives.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Our greatest strengths are our greatest weaknesses

A sentence that holds so many truths for all of us. Mine quite dismal, it makes me cringe even thinking about it, the way I was as a child and in some ways a little now as an adolescent. Everyone, my mother, teachers and friends, always put forth that one of my greatest strengths was that I was always friendly, compassionate, loving, pleasant, helpful, kind and the list goes on (that’s probably why I’m studying Public Relations).

What bullocks. What was one of my greatest strengths, turned out to be one of my greatest weaknesses. I recall an incident in 6th grade, where I was one of the only students to have done my English homework, being the nice person that I am I let the other students copy my homework so that they wouldn’t get in trouble. Low and behold someone lost my homework and I got to write line. Nice girls finish last I tell you.

As much as people had a liking for me, they were quick to use me as a doormat because I was such a ‘nice’ person. I pretty much became fed up with being the nice girl and decided to grow a backbone. Every now and then I let my ‘niceness’ shine through, but only just enough so that people would like me but not walk all over me.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Feelings follow behaviour

In my attempt to write this blog, I think it’s only fair that I give you guys some insight to my current frame of reference. So for the past two months or so in my Communications Science class we have been discussing gender studies, feminism and womenism. So naturally, my sphere of knowledge has widened and with that said my blog on ‘feelings follow behaviour’ has some feminism influence.

Before my time, in the late 1960’s to be exact, it was said that the bra as well as other inanimate objects became the fury of some feminist activists because it was seen as a sexist label. This feeling, of extreme dislike was strong, so they mobilized against it. As a result of this they burnt their bras. Viva liberation.

The above as most of us don’t was only a myth, they did however mobilize, but unfortunately there were no bras that were burnt, but it would have been a more interesting example of how feelings follow behaviour.

This is only one example that illustrates feelings follow behaviour. Nonetheless, we all can identify with the this be it, feelings of admiration that resulted in a kiss or feelings of anger that resulted in a fight or feelings of happiness that resulted in a happy dance.

Friday, May 15, 2009

It is better to practice a little than talk a lot

Almost every single one of us has that one acquaintance that’s all about talking the talk but never walks the walk. Always putting forward that they are ‘game’ for anything, which always leaves me quite jealous at times because I’m a bit of a scaredy-cat, but when it comes down to crunch time they back out which totally changes my perception of them…

I call them the fader’s or the flakers. I never understood their logic, why would someone go so far as to blow their own trumpet and tell everyone what they will do or are going to do. It is indeed better to practice a little than talk a lot because you run the risk of you being embarrassed because you did not do, what you said you would. Our behaviour ought to at all times be consistent with what we say; otherwise we would just be a series of shams.

People appreciate those individuals who do a little, because its real and not those who just talk and talk but never do anything. So the moral of the story is don’t promise what you can’t deliver it is much better to under promise and over deliver that to over promise and under deliver.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It is a poor idea to lie to yourself

"Mirror, mirror upon the wall, Who is the fairest of them all?" it answered- "O Lady Queen, though fair ye be, Snow-White is fairer far to see - snow white and the seven dwarfs. As the story narrates the lady queen flipped out because she wanted to be the fairest of them all.

Since childhood it has been inculcated in us, by fairytales like Snow white and other schools of thought that I don’t want to be second, when I can be first. This I believe was the beginning of the social epidemic of lying to ourselves. It’s hard to face reality when it doesn’t look so great so why not make it colourful by lying to ourselves.

Lying to yourself is a poor idea and a waste of time. On the flip side of the coin we were taught that honesty is the best policy but why is it that we still lie to ourselves. I think that people who lie to themselves actually have some sought of a behavioural disorder or the have a serious case of denial; it isn’t just a river in Egypt.

Most people are not honest with themselves because of fears such as rejection and criticism. Those who lie to themselves disguise it as hope or optimism. In the present moment lying to yourself will appear to be the favourable option but somewhere down the line when threads start to unravel and things start to fall apart. The truth will prevail.

It is definitely a poor idea to lie to yourself, just be honest you are the only one who will lose out in the end.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Not all who wander are lost

I did some research on the topic before I attempted to write this blog entry. Not all who wander are lost? I found an interesting piece of information. Author, J.R.R. Tolkien used a comparable phrase in his book "The Fellowship of the Ring", the first book of the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy. "All that is gold does not glitter, Not all those who wander are lost". It means that everything is not what it appears to be.

It made me think that people who wonder and seem to be lost are just the undecided ones. They indeed aren't lost they just haven't found what they are looking for. On the contrary, who says they who do not wander are not lost, maybe they just settled for anything. Maybe they just seem lost and all over the place because they like to try out different things. Sometimes wandering is good for you it enables you to encounter things you might not have encountered in a non wandering scenario hence you grow and learn much more.

You know the saying ‘those who do not plan, plan to fail’ I don’t believe that’s true. I believe in destiny, whatever suppose to happen will happen, so any road will take you there, wandering or sticking to the straight and narrow.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

How to step from the top of a 100-foot pole?

Stepping from the top of a 100-foot pole can never be easy, I imagine. I’m the type of person that regrets the things I have done in life not the things I haven’t done, so this will be a process…

If all I have achieved so far in life is riding on this decision of taking ‘a step’, I would consider whether I really want to limit myself to the secure and good or take a chance with the possibility of something great happening? I would ask myself over and over what do I have to loose and what do I have gain. . I will envisage the younger me when I didn’t understand what a risk was I just did it. I wouldn’t think too much about stepping from the top of a 100-foot pole because once you pause you make a gap for common sense to kick in. I’ll step with poise because I know to triumph without risk is to triumph without brilliance. That step might just be a step in the right direction

I ask myself why I would want to step down when I should be climbing up. Why am I so afraid? It might just be one measly step for me but it might just be a giant leap for mankind.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

We are what we do???

After turning red-er than red I shall take a deep breath and begin to write... (In my mind)

Okay so last week this time I read Marian Pike's blog to have a look at what the topic for that week's blog was. "What are we to do" is what I saw, idea's started to flow within...easy as pie I thought.

Now here we are almost seven days down the line and naturally more and more of my class mates are doing their blog entries and some of them commenting on mine. I had not even had the faintest clue that what I saw the topic to be was in fact wrong. I did not even know that I had done something wrong.

Firstly one could not blame this on me being hung over because I don't even drink. Deprived from sleep could be a factor? I need specs, but I eat my carrots. One could maybe blame the fact that I was indeed in a hurry to do my blog to get back to the festivities of the Easter weekend.

So with "we are what we do" in mind I have clearly done something so silly for the entire world to see that it is indeed proven that I am silly because I do silly things exhibit A. Maybe everyone that reads my blog could just forgive me because mistakes are what humans do and I'm indeed a human. So stop laughing already.

Friday, April 10, 2009

What are we to do?

With the elections only two weeks away and Jacob Zuma aka JZ just this week being released of his corruption charges by the NPA, a sense of urgency is building within me.The future is looking gloom.

As a young adolescent in South Africa I almost feel that my vote is a "do or die" vote, I'll be voting with the intention to make a difference by bringing change. I must just admit that I really hope that Jacob Zuma does not become president, but chances are that he probably will be. What are we to do? Us common folk need to make a stand. We cannot just sit back and see what happens or let this defeatist’s attitude rule us.

I spoke to a friend earlier this week. She told me “I forgot to register to vote so I’m not voting”. I could feel my blood begin to boil. I cannot even begin to fathom why people don’t see the importance of voting. If you don’t vote you will have no say. Come the 22 April 2009 we need to vote, for who you might ask? The party DAt will get this country back on the road to success.

Friday, April 3, 2009

We are afraid of the wrong things

We are afraid of the wrong things? Are we really? I am legitimately afraid of certain the dark and small spaces. But I think we as humans tend to also be afraid of the wrong things, which even has a control on the way we live.

You know when you getting done to go somewhere, you end up changing your outfit over and over Why? So that you can look better? But for who? We are so afraid of what people are going to say and that they will judge us, but in fact they barley even notice what we wear. And that’s a fact.

We are so afraid to die Why? Because we know that the life that we are leading is not what God approves of. If we lived the right way we should want to die as soon as possible as to avoid being misled onto the wrong path. Be more afraid of how you live your life.

We are so afraid of failure that we actually end up crippling ourselves by putting negative thoughts in our head, a mere self fulfilling prophesy. We will succeed, I say.

We are so afraid to be ourselves that we all living in this pretend world. We are all great its time that you believe it to.

So the lesson in all of this is, stop being afraid of the wrong things and live a real life with legitimate fears like the dark and small spaces.

What is the colour of the wind?

Rolling off her lips…”What is the colour of the wind? is the topic for this blog that ‘s due”. Baffled little me sat there for a while trying to come up with some sought of a witty and creative answer, but to my dismay, I guess in the real world I realized that the wind has no colour.

The wind is see through, sheer, translucent, transparent and all that other adjectives. However, all of us tend to have an alternative world to that which we live in, our own little world that we escape to now and then, where things are different to that of the real world. People are red, green and orange. A real rainbow nation. Zebra’s are multicoloured species, not just black and white. The sky is green and the grass is blue.

If I had to choose, in my world the colour of the wind would be black. A basic colour, looks good with everything and is flattering on every level. It would make everything look very scary on a windy day. Just imagine that tumble weed with a gush of black wind traveling behind it. Adapted from a quote from Jimmy Dean “I can't change the colour of the wind, but I can surely try to see things in a different colour.”

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Watch this space...

The other day I experienced the weirdest thing, I was in the bathroom busy brushing my teeth and you know when you can see something from the corner of your eye, well I saw my mothers’ room door opening…but the thing that confused me was that the bathroom door was closed.

Standing there in this state of confusion, I slowly opened the bathroom door while thinking to myself, when I entered the bathroom my mothers’ door was closed and if this door is now is open OMG and to my dismay the door was indeed open. Freaky I know, the time between seeing the door opening and me actually opening the bathroom door was merely a split second. It was definitely not a coincidence.

I started pondering, is it maybe possible I have a super power. I can see through walls. Is it so far fetched? Imagine how much fun it would be to see through walls though. I’ll be all-knowing. I’d pledge to only use my super powers for the good of this earth though and ill try and wear my underwear underneath my pants.

So watch this space for further developments on the curious case of Ridhwaana Baradien.

This is based on a true life happening.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

If I were the boss...

I would firstly celebrate my achievement of being the boss

I would not be like any of my previous bosses

I would not have favourites

I would be approachable

I would greet my staff

I would ask my staff to work hard so that they can play hard

I would give everyone a fair chance to prove themselves

I would have a four day week

I would name the company after me

Lunchtime would not be restricted to minutes and hours

I would have everyone sing a song together at begging of everyday( the companies anthem)

I would listen

I would smile

I would fire those who are selfish and inconsiderate

I would hire those who are hardworking

I would share my knowledge

I would demand that someone buy me lunch

I would have a bed in my office, for those times that I need a nap

I would never raise my voice

I would give myself a pay raise

I would only communicate via facebook

I would be part of the work force and not an entity on my own

I would encourage smoke breaks to regroup

I would only allow my employees to listen to 5FM

I would be honest

I would have random drug tests

I would have a jumping castle in the office to relieve stress

I would not allow office romances (its law suit waiting to happen)

I would give my staff a day off on their birthday

...But I’m not the boss, what a sad reality

Thursday, February 19, 2009

South African bands suck?

I’m sitting hear listening to 5FM playing “felling the pressure” by the Dirty Skirts. South African bands suck? Oh, I beg to differ. What a brilliant South African Indie Rock band the Dirty skirts are. I had the pleasure of working with them last year at a celebrity golf challenge. They’re really great guys and I’m such a fan of their work.

We as South African’s tend to use the western world as a yard stick for all that we do, fashion, film and music. Our bands are unique; they’re not trying to imitate international bands so why do we compare them to the international acts?

We have our own music and entertainment industry and might I add that it’s constantly growing, we even have our own music awards. South African bands such as Seether and Just Ginger have managed to take their music to an international level making it on to charts abroad and still remaining true to their homeland.

The South African bands all have a different sound catering for the different tastes of the rainbow nation. My favourites include the likes of Zebra and Giraffe, Watershed, Jax Panix, Gang of instrumentals, The Dirty Skirts, Crash Car Burn and The Parlotones. We need to be more supportive of our own. So do me a favour the next time you hear a South African band playing take the time to listen you it might just like it.

My take on Designer PR

Exciting times lie ahead for the Public Relations Department at the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, even more so the the Public Relations industry as a whole. Making the move to the Informatics and Design faculty really embodies the change that is evident within industry at this very moment. Just as architecture and fashion are concerned with creation, Public Relations is the creation and fostering of relationships which indeed require a sense of creativity. Public Relations will never become just passé. Consumers are turning more and more to PR agencies compared to that of marketing and advertising agencies. Everything you do and say is Public Relations. Im really happy that we have made this move...procativeness I like that.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Topics to explore...

1. South African Music
2. Freelance Public Relations
3. Social Media
4. Journalist as PRP'S
5. My internship