Friday, April 3, 2009

What is the colour of the wind?

Rolling off her lips…”What is the colour of the wind? is the topic for this blog that ‘s due”. Baffled little me sat there for a while trying to come up with some sought of a witty and creative answer, but to my dismay, I guess in the real world I realized that the wind has no colour.

The wind is see through, sheer, translucent, transparent and all that other adjectives. However, all of us tend to have an alternative world to that which we live in, our own little world that we escape to now and then, where things are different to that of the real world. People are red, green and orange. A real rainbow nation. Zebra’s are multicoloured species, not just black and white. The sky is green and the grass is blue.

If I had to choose, in my world the colour of the wind would be black. A basic colour, looks good with everything and is flattering on every level. It would make everything look very scary on a windy day. Just imagine that tumble weed with a gush of black wind traveling behind it. Adapted from a quote from Jimmy Dean “I can't change the colour of the wind, but I can surely try to see things in a different colour.”


  1. “I can't change the colour of the wind, but I can surely try to see things in a different colour.” Jimmy Dean

    This is a stunning quote! It is so true and motivating on so many levels.

    Every so often we have one of "those" days and it's quotes like these that imspire us to move on and hold our heads up high!

  2. What colour is the wind, Daddy
    Is it yellow, red or blue
    When he's playing with my hair, Daddy
    Does he do the same to you
    When he's dying does his colour fade
    Is a gentle breeze a lighter shade
    Just like his friend the sea
    The wind feels blue to me

    What Colour Is The Wind by Charlie Landsborough.

    In my alternative world called DV&Ttheplanet I can sing and all the houses are made from straw. Just so the wind can come blow it away. A house a day keeps the rain away.

    DV&Ttheplanet fact #297: The wind doesn't actually exist, it's just a giant flying cameleon blowing us around.
