Friday, April 10, 2009

What are we to do?

With the elections only two weeks away and Jacob Zuma aka JZ just this week being released of his corruption charges by the NPA, a sense of urgency is building within me.The future is looking gloom.

As a young adolescent in South Africa I almost feel that my vote is a "do or die" vote, I'll be voting with the intention to make a difference by bringing change. I must just admit that I really hope that Jacob Zuma does not become president, but chances are that he probably will be. What are we to do? Us common folk need to make a stand. We cannot just sit back and see what happens or let this defeatist’s attitude rule us.

I spoke to a friend earlier this week. She told me “I forgot to register to vote so I’m not voting”. I could feel my blood begin to boil. I cannot even begin to fathom why people don’t see the importance of voting. If you don’t vote you will have no say. Come the 22 April 2009 we need to vote, for who you might ask? The party DAt will get this country back on the road to success.


  1. was this topic on the brief??? lol

  2. Hello dear... Th etopic up for debate or discussion is 'We are what we do'. Great peice nonetheless.
